Get to Know Matt

President: PRO UNION Consulting, LLC

Matt has had a variety of experiences throughout the electrical field that give him a unique perspective of the industry. These include:

  • Co-oping for a non-union electrical contractor in high school.
  • Graduating from I.B.E.W. Local 212’s apprenticeship in 1992.
  • Working as a journeyman and a foreman until 1996 and still holds an active inside wireman’s card for I.B.E.W. Local Union 212 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Serving as Organizer for Local 212 from 1996-2002.
  • Coordinated large scale jobsite blitzes.
  • Vigorously enforced prevailing wage laws.
  • Taught workshop on how to increase market share at the 2002 I.B.E.W. Construction Conference.
  • Trained numerous I.B.E.W. and building trades organizers on the Seven Facets of Organizing.
  • Wrote the competitive bidding and prevailing wage language for the City of Cincinnati and The University of Cincinnati.
  • Led the organizing of almost 500 new members.
  • Helped to increase Local 212’s contactor base by twenty-one new contractors.
  • Assisted in the designing and implementation of Local 212’s contractor course, which through the new contractors generated an additional 200,000 man hours in 2000-2001.
  • Currently owns PRO Lighting & Solar, LLC, an IBEW Local 212 contractor where he is focusing on the Service and Renewable Energy Markets and where he has installed over 1.2 MW’s of solar.

Matt Kolbinsky started PRO UNION Consulting, LLC in 2002, and as President of this company has:

Taught workshops at the following conferences:

  • 2005 I.B.E.W. 9th District Organizing Conference
  • 2006 I.B.E.W. 6th District Organizing Conference
  • 2007 I.B.E.W. Membership Development Conference
  • 2009 U.A. Western States Pipe Trades Conference
  • 2014 U.A. Pennsylvania Pipe Trades Conference
  • 2015 I.B.E.W. Illinois Organizing Conference
  • 2022 IBEW Membership Development Conference
  • Trained over 2745, I.B.E.W. and U.A. members on how to start their own businesses.
  • Completed (101) Contractor Business Courses.
  • Assisted over (545) new contractors in starting their businesses.
  • PRO UNION Consulting, LLC, offers training to building trade organizers on the Seven Facets of Organizing.
  • PRO UNION Consulting, LLC, also offers a contractor business course to IBEW, UA and other Building Trade members who aspire to own their own GREEN businesses, i.e. energy audits, lighting retrofits, Solar PV, energy storage, EV Charging infrastructure and wind technology.
  • Started a Renewable Energy Consulting & Project Management firm, PRO Lighting & Solar, LLC, to assist UNION Electrical Contractors in expanding into the LED Lighting, Solar PV, energy storage and EV Charging infrastructure markets.